Zobacz pierwszy teledysk ostrołęckiego zepołu Alien Removed do utworu ” Hand of God”
Skład zespołu:
Drabson – guitar
Kedzior – guitar
Bart – drums & cymbals
Tommy – vocals
Morderca – bass, lyrics, management, PR
After leaving blues-rock band called MadBee Tommy and MordErtza started looking for guitarists. Having a good backup in Bart whom they auditioned for MadBee previously they found Kedzior – Kalamazoo’s former shredder. But something’s been missing and after publishing few adverts on FB and local music store old friend of Morderca and Tommy’s – Dr.Abott called. August the 10th 2011 as they practised for the first time has been set as the date of starting new band called ALIEN REMOVED.